
Hi Guests! Please leave your messages for Nugget and "Nugget's Get a Life" in our Guestbook. Remember to keep it family friendly though folks! Cheers - Admin


  1. Hi Kurt,
    Cherie here, i look after dad’s website.
    Dad say’s hi and yes he is still in clermont.

  2. Hey nugget we found no gold but meeting you was worth the wait in gold πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Hey nugget it’s Leo and sue we never found any gold but meeting you was was worth it’s weight in gold take care buddy , we will keep swinging πŸ‘

  4. g’day

    hope your show gets picked up sounds like a ripper, are you still in Clermont?

    hoo roo

    all the best

  5. Hey Nugget, I don’t see any garden gnomes in your yard, 7 would do it. No, that’s dwarves? Hi Ho, Hi Ho and all that to do the digging for you? Good on you Mate.

  6. Hey nugget
    The site is good. Looking forward to seeing it fully up and running.

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